CMU 15-112 Summer 2019: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Homework 12 (Due Wed 19-Jun, at 11:59pm)

  1. Feedback Form [5 pts]
  2. Fill out this form for feedback!

  3. Asteroids [95 pts]

    Thanks to Tara (last summer's instructor) for the video!

    Using our animation framework and assuming that run() is already written, write init(data), mousePressed(event, data), keyPressed(event, data), and redrawAll(data) for an animation with the following specification:
    • Starter Code:
      • The file starts with two classes written for you: Rocket and Bullet. You should not need to modify these classes, but you can change them if you like. An instance of rocket is also stored in data and drawn on the canvas.
      • Read over both classes. You'll need to call methods from each.
      • Copy and paste your three Asteroid classes from hw11 at the top of the file.
    • Rocket:
      • The rocket is already drawn for you, but it cannot move. When the user presses the right arrow key, the rotate should rotate clockwise. When the user presses the left arrow key, the rocket should rotate counter-clockwise. It can rotate however much you like.
      • When the user presses the space bar, the rocket should create a bullet.
      • Hint: the rocket class has methods that can help with both of these!
    • Bullets:
      • You should store and draw the bullets.
      • Every timerFired, the bullets move in the appropriate direction. Hint: There is a method written in the bullet class that handles this.
    • By this point, you should have a Rocket that can rotate and shoot.
    • Asteroids:
      • You should not be writing a lot of new code here. Instead, use the methods you wrote in hw11.
      • Every 2 seconds, an asteroid is created with a random cx and cy on the canvas, a random radius between 20 and 40 pixels, a random speed between 5 and 20 pixels per timerFired call, and a random direction in [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]. Hint: Use random.choice here.
      • The asteroid is chosen randomly from the three types: Asteroid, ShrinkingAsteroid, and Splitting Asteroid. Hint: Use random.choice here.
      • Asteroids are purple, ShrinkingAsteroids are pink, and SplittingAsteroids are blue.
      • You should be able to store and draw the asteroids. Hint: Where could you put a draw method?
      • Movement:
        • Asteroids wrap around when they get to an edge of the canvas.
        • Shrinking Asteroids bounce when they get to an edge of the canvas.
        • Splitting Asteroids wrap around when they get to an edge of the canvas.
      • Collisions (reactToBulletHit):
        • You do not need to handle asteroids colliding with each other, or when an asteroid collides with the rocket. You do need to handle when they collide with bullets.
        • Hint: There is a method in the bullet class that will help with collison.
        • Asteroids stop moving when they collide with a bullet. Every 10 seconds, all frozen Asteroids are removed from the canvas.
        • Shrinking Asteroids shrink by shrinkAmount when they get hit by a bullet. You can change shrinkAmount from the default, but we won't test this. When a ShrinkingAsteroid's radius is 15 or less, it is removed from the canvas.
        • Splitting Asteroids split into two when they get hit by a bullet. They are never removed from the canvas.
      • Hint: You should write an onTimerFired method within each asteroid class, like we will be doing in lecture on Tuesday.
      • Extra Hint: Be careful in the case that 2 bullets hit the same asteroid!
      • Study the code from the OOPy dots demo for help!
      • Congrats on finishing 112 homeworks! :)